Saturday, October 24, 2020

Chapter 5

Over the next couple of days, Meg spent a lot of time with Jon. He took to coming down to the barn at night when things were quiet, a time when she did a lot of paperwork at the office. He told me about life on the road and she told him about her life here.

"How did you come to be doing all this, Meg?" Jon asked, one night, "what do you do exactly?"

"I'm the breeding manager, plus whatever else needs to be done," she answered as she worked on the notes in her breeding notebook.

"No offense, but aren't you kinda young?" Jon asked.

"None taken. Yes, probably, but I have been at this along time. My father has been with your grandfather a long time, training his horses. He taught me all he knows. I found I had an eye and a feel for horses. Your grandfather would occasionally ask my advice and more often than not my choices were right, whether it was purchasing yearlings or matching mares to stallions."

Jon had stood up and was looking at the photos on the wall and asked about the picture of the 'Three Old Men'. "I know this is my grandfather, but who are the other two?"

"One is my dad and the other is Henry. He was the manager before me. He retired and I took his place, though you would never know he retired. Works just as hard as ever. He travels with your grandfather most of the time. He goes to the sales a lot, claiming races, and just keeps your grandfather company. My dad still trains for your grandfather. My dad is almost as gray haired as Bob Baffert. I call them the three old men."

Jon smiled at that, still looking at the photos. Meg had finished her work for the night, took Jon's hand and led him out of the office, turning out the light and locking the door. They walked hand in hand to her cottage. It was only a little ways from the barn, so she could be close to the barn in case of emergencies.

Lately, Jon had been coming inside with her. Mostly they would sit on the couch and watch some late night TV. Her, usually falling asleep with her head in his lap. Jon, watching over her. He was still on concert schedule, so he stayed up late, slept in late. He was usually gone by the time she woke up. But tonight felt different, she just couldn't put her finger on it. She went through my usual routine. She took a shower, cause she was stinky from the day. Jon didn't need her smelling like Francis the mule.

Megan came out of the shower and Jon was already on the couch. Jon held his arm out to put around me as she sat down, flashing her one of his famous smiles. His pinky finger really did have a bend to it. "Hey Baby," he said putting his arm around her as she snuggled close, "feel better?"

"Yes," she said as she aid down resting my head on his well muscled thigh, "just tired."

Jon thought, of course she was. He had never seen a harder working woman, except maybe his mom. She did breeding charts, helped with the mares who foaled, cleaned stalls, fed horses, and groomed them. He really only saw her at night and during her time with her horse at the meadow. Jon sat there rubbing her shoulder and side as far as her hip, thinking. Looking at the TV, Jay Leno was on.

The band had been on that show. The band. He sighed. Jon missed the guys, but was enjoying this time away. Looking down at Meg he smiled. He didn't want to go on like this, her falling asleep on the couch, while he went back to the main house. He wanted to stay with her, feel her in his arms.

Jon slowly stood trying not to wake her, picked her up and carried her to her bed. Stripping down to his boxers and t-shirt, Jon crawled in and pulled her close. She didn't wake, but snuggled close. Oh man, this felt so good. She felt good against him, all soft and curvy. He started to get hard, but tamped down the feeling. He wasn't going to ruin this by taking her like she was just some piece of ass, besides he would rather have her awake. They haven't even talked about that yet. He finally fell asleep.

Meg slowly came awake. She was a bit disoriented, waking up in her own bed instead of the couch. She also felt this heaviness. Looking down she saw an arm and realized that Jon was in bed with her and was draped over her. She kinda liked it, not so lonely. A few seconds later she felt Jon's hand on her breast and he was moving his hips slowly against her. Meg could feel his hard on. Not sure if he was awake or asleep, she called out his name, patting his arm, which was attached to the hand that was now moving up and down her body.


"HHhhmmmm, morning, baby," he said hugging tight, continuing with his caressing, now adding kissing and nuzzling to her neck. His hand was back on her breast, lightly squeezing, taking a nipple between his fingers, pulling it, then rolling it. God, Meg felt that all the way down between her legs, her pussy feeling heavy and swollen. She pushed on Jon's shoulder to get his attention.

"Jon?" she whispered as she rolled over to face him.

Nuzzling my neck, he said, "HHmm?" 

"Babe, please don't think I am leading you on or anything, but...."

"Sweetie, I would never think that," Jon interjected.

Taking Jon's face between her hands, looking him in the eye, making sure she had his undivided attention, and said, "Jon," kissing him on the lips, "I have never been with a man. I'm a virgin." Meg looked at this beautiful man. Every woman wanted him, some have had him. How could she be the one woman to tell him no. Some would say this was an opportunity of a lifetime, but she just didn't want a one time deal, love'em and leave'em. She was falling in love with Jon and she didn't want him to stay with her till he fixed all his problems, then leave and never come back.


  1. I got a bit confused sis. Jon's grandfather is friends with her family? Guess I gotta re read again. Love the story.

  2. Oh Mercy, this is getting so good, nice & warm inside (ya know what I mean??) Meg's a virgin & has a difficult decision to make & Jon has one to make also. Do they or not?? So Good.
