Sunday, November 1, 2020

Chapter 6

Interrupting her thoughts, Jon said, "Meg, I would never force you to do something you don't want to do. I don't want you to say yes because of who I am."

How did he know that, she thought?

"Come here," Jon said pulling me close and just holding her.

Suddenly a knock at the door. Megan got up to answer and it was on of the stable boys.

"Hey Jeff," she said.

"Hi, Meg. You said you wanted to know when Pretty Lady was ready to foal."

"Great! Thanks Jeff. I'll be down as soon as I change."

She closed the door and ran back to her room, jumping on the bed. "She's ready to foal," Megan said excitedly.

"Who," Jon said smiling at my enthusiasm.

"Pretty Lady, Jonboy's dam. She's my mare. I picked her up on a claiming race years ago." She got up and started dressing. "Come with me," she said to Jon.

"Alright," Jon said, getting dressed.

Together, they walked down to the barn. Over the next several hours, Jon watched as Meg did just about everything. She crooned to the mare, rubbed her with soft rags, and when needed, changed the bedding. Occasionally she would give him something to do, but mostly he stayed at the mare's head, keeping her calm. So, doing the one thing he did best, he sang softly under is breath to the mare. Finally the mare foaled.

Joe watched Meg's face as she helped the foal from the straining mare, her face soft with love for the animal. Meg helped the baby horse to its feet, rubbing it with a soft cloth, cleaning it's nose. He knew at that moment that he was in love with Meg. That was what he wanted, knowing that Meg would care for him, not his money or fame. Now Jon just needed to make sure she knew it.

"Jon, look, isn't she beautiful? It's a filly," she said, beaming.

Jon, who had been at the mare's head, got up and looked over at the filly. "She's beautiful. Who is her sire?" Stroking the mare's muzzle.

"I've been saving my money and bred her to an offspring of Seattle Slew. Hopefully, I can race her before breeding her." Meg got to her feet and helped the filly find her mom and together they watched the foal nurse.

Jon held Meg, her back to his front, and placed a hand on her belly, in pretext of holding her, thinking how beautiful she would look, pregnant with their child.

Little did he know Meg was thinking the same thing. She could feel his hand on her stomach, though he was trying to be sly about it, disguised as a hug. She smiled inwardly. Watching him here on the ranch, his openness to new things, made her love him even more. She thought she fell in love with him the first time she saw him. She could picture in her mind, a little, blond haired, blue-eyed girl or boy. Well, her work here was done.

Meg walked out of the stall and looked back at Jon, who was watching the mare and foal. "Jon," she said, getting his attention, "let's go get cleaned up," holding out her hand for him to join her.

Jon walked out of the stall, locked the door and followed her out of the barn, not sure if he should read more into her invitation or not.


  1. This is beautiful, the birth of a baby filly & the finding of love between Meg & Jon. They both are picturing & feeling it in their heart. Still the question about what will happen in their strong attraction toward each other. Just beautiful.
