Sunday, September 20, 2020

Chapter 2

Megan had Jonboy going at a good clip around the clearing, with the inside to their left, then turning coming up the middle. Jonboy saw him first, his head coming up, his pace slowing. She leaned back, pulled on his mane and they came to a stop.

Jon thought to himself, it was just like a storybook...a girl and her horse. The horse was black with this long white streak down the side of it’s face. And tall or at least he thought so, his head was even with the horse’s back. But what he found a bit disconcerting was her stare, and the fact that she wasn't close enough for him to see her eyes, so he couldn’t tell if it was because she was a fan and would attack him, or if she found him attractive and would get all drippy on him. 

After the last four years of touring, cynicism was his middle name. Having groupies and females , paparazzi, or just about everyone in the record industry after his money or his body, he always thought the worst first. He became tense in anticipation and, dammit, sick to his stomach. Something he hated, but couldn't help these days. She just sat there...well he could wait.

Well, Megan thought, as she pushed a few strands her hair back behind her ears, there he was in the flesh...Jon Bon Jovi, lead singer of Bon Jovi, looking like he does in his pictures. Damn, if he wasn't better looking in person. Film could not capture his aura. She could feel it, this pull she couldn't explain, even the hairs on her arms were standing on end. She didn't think it had to do with his fame, her heart and soul felt something. She must have been transferring her feelings to Jonboy, because he started fidgeting, becoming restless.

Megan dismounted and patted the big horse’s shoulder, whispering. Jonboy calmed down. She walked up to Jon and held out her hand to introduce herself and he physically took a step back. Lowering her hand back down for a minute she looked him in the eye, first seeing how bloodshot they were, but further scrutiny showed a bleakness, he was hurting. She had heard from Gramps that Jon hadn't been doing good lately. Jon seemed to recover and a curtain came over his eyes, shutting out his feelings. He finally shook her hand that she offered a second time. 

"My name is Megan. You must be Jon. Your Grandfather said you were coming," she said, trying to be friendly and non threatening.

Jon let go of her hand, searching her eyes. He didn't see any threat, no coyness, no deceit. "Megan," he said slowly, reaching into his back pocket for the carrots, "these must be for you."

Megan took the carrots and said, "That Maggie." She gave the carrots to Jonboy, watching as his big teeth broke up the carrots. "Jon, I know you just got here but I need to go back. Can you walk with me or did you want to stay here?" she asked.

"I'll walk back," Jon said tiredly.

They walked back in companionable silence. Megan sensed Jon needed the quiet, not a bunch of questions and jabbering. 

Jon asked suddenly, "How come your horse has a white streak down the side of his face instead of the front of his face?"

Meg answered, "It is really unusual huh? He was in a barn fire. The side of his face was burned. When the hair grew back, it grew back white."

"Wow. He is lucky to still be here. I'm glad he is ok."

"Me too."

When they got to the main barn, Meg said, "Well, here we are. I have to go, so I'll see you later."

"Bye," Jon said watching her walk away, thinking this was the kind of woman he should get to know. Megan was a breath of fresh air. He was hoping she would turn back one more time, but she didn't. Sighing, he turned and walked back to the house.

Jon walked back into the house through the back door, his boots clicking on the tile floor. He was tired and headed to his bedroom.

"Jon, " Maggie called out.

He stopped. 

"Did you find Megan OK?"

"I did. Maggie I am going to go lay down. I am really tired." 

"OK. Well if you get hungry there is always something edible in the fridge."

"Thank you." And with that he walked off to his room.

Maggie watched him go. Then she shook her head and took off to other parts of the house that needed her attention.

The minute Meg hit the barn her time was not her own and she didn't give Jon a second thought.


  1. oh boy love is in the air. Love the story. Love the way you describe everything ❤ 💕 ♥ 💖

  2. Jon is in such a bad place....great job of making us feel what he is.

  3. I love it, Jon out in the country away from those who want something from him all the time, freedom for a while.
