Monday, September 21, 2020

Chapter 3

Over the next few days, Megan did not run into Jon since they didn’t have the same schedules, but she thought maybe Jon could use a taste of what life was really about...Life. Not just glamour, groupies, booze and whatever else. She had a mare due to foal any minute and thought it would be a good experience for Jon. If he would even come with her.

Megan came out of the stall, having just checked on the mare, and said to Ed, her foaling attendant, "Ed, she should be OK for a bit. I need to go up to the big house for a few. I have me radio on me if you need me."

"OK Meg," Ed said as he sat down on a small bench just outside the stall.

It was late as she made her way up to his room. Megan didn't see Jon right away, as the room was dark, but she started to move into the room towards the bed. 

"Jon?" She said softly. All of a sudden she felt arms around her waist, lifting her off the ground, hot breath on her face, reeking of booze.

Jon, who had been drinking, so used to doing that with the band, didn't realize that Megan, who had just come into the room, wasn't a groupie and he wasn't in a hotel room. 

"Baby, what took you so long? Where are your friends?" The Jon slurred, as he placed his arms around the soft, warm body that just came into his room

She could feel the bed against the back of her legs. Jon must not be aware of what he was doing and quite frankly she was a bit afraid. He kept trying to kiss her and she kept turning her head. She pushed hard against Jon's chest, but he was too strong. He had managed to lay her down on the bed with him on top of her. His lips managed to make contact a couple of times. Not that some small part of her wasn't thrilled that Jon Bon Jovi, the rock star, was kissing her, but she would not be taken this way.

"Jon. It's Megan. Please stop." She was still pushing, struggling to get out from under him.

Jon grabbed her hand and forced it to his crotch "Come on, Baby, do me," he said, trying to get her to rub his crotch.

Megan hated to hurt him but she grabbed his crotch....Hard. 

"Fucking bitch," he screamed and rolled off her. 

Megan wasn't about to find out if he was OK or not, and ran out of the room, out of the house, and back to the barn.

Jon holding his crotch, finally passed out, too drunk to get back up.

A little shaken up, she sat at her desk in the barn, trying to catch her breath.  Meg didn't think Jon was like that sober, but decided it might be a good idea to stay out of his way for awhile. She checked in with Ed one more time before taking off to her cottage.

Jon woke up with the sun shining through the windows, his head pounding. That wasn't so unusual but the fact that his balls hurt was. What happened? He thought he had dreamed of a girl named Megan, but maybe he did something bad, something he couldn't remember.

Getting up, Jon sat at the edge of the bed, looking down he noticed some brown hairs on the bed next to me. WAS Megan, he thought, NOT some groupie. He hoped he didn't hurt her, but the way his balls felt he didn't think so.

Jon vowed right then to stop drinking. He needed to do some serious apologizing. Looking at the clock he saw it was about the same time as that first day and hoped he could catch her down at that field. So he cleaned himself up and went downstairs. Jon found Maggie in the kitchen.

"Jonnie. Sit. Eat," Maggie said.

"Maggie, can I pass on that? I'll eat later," he said hopefully, trying to get away fast to avoid any questions.

"Boy, you haven't eaten since yesterday," Maggie replied suspiciously.

"I know. I'll eat later, I promise. Can I have a couple carrots?" Jon asked as innocently as possible.

"Oh, so that's how it is," Maggie said, as she pointed a couple carrots at him, looking him in the eye, "hurt her, Boyo, and you will not be able to escape my wrath." And then she slapped the carrots into his hand for emphasis.

Jon gave her one of his million dollar smiles and said on the way out the door, "Don't worry Maggie, I won't."


  1. Aww sis it gets better and better. So funny getting Jon.I always say get were you can really get their attention.....great sis.

  2. Getting really interesting. So powerful taking advantage of Megan in such a rough way. Not use to having someone turning him down & Jon just kept on getting rough. Megan taught him a lesson, putting him in his place. Really very good, looking forward for next chapter.
