Thursday, April 20, 2023

The End

"Jon, did I do something wrong?" Meg asked worriedly.

"No baby. You are wonderful. I just don't want to cum too soon."

"Oh," I said.

I stood up, pulling Meg with me, "Let's get out and dry off, Hon." Together we stepped out and dried off. "I think we'll be more comfortable on the bed," Jon said leading the way, as Meg admired his ass. I pulled back the bed covers and had Meg crawl in with me right behind her.

Pulling her close, I said, "Meg. I love you. I wanted to tell you before we continued. I didn't want you to think I said it to get into your bed. If you don't want to go any further tell me know while I can still stop.".......

Meg, running her fingertips lightly across his chest, looked into his eyes, "I love you," looking down and back up, "and I don't want you to stop."

I ran a hand through her hair and whispered, "Oh, Babe," as I kissed her. I rolled on top of her, kissing her, nibbling an ear, fondling her pussy. She was wet and he wanted to make sure his entry was as painless as possible. She was writhing under him, emitting little moans. He placed himself at her entrance and pushed in a little, then out, lubricating himself. Pushing back in, he encountered her maidenhead. One more push found him buried to the hilt.

He paused for a moment, trying to hold back, as he was on the verge of cumming and he didn't want to leave her behind. Meg had winced at the small pain, but once the pain eased she felt like she was on the verge of something and naturally started to move her hips.

"Jon," I whimpered, running my hands over his arms and back. I thought I heard him whisper, "Hang on Babe." A second later he started to and out. This feeling in her was building. Jon was thrusting faster. Finally I came. Jon kissed me briefly before one final push, head thrown back, groaning. Jon was laying on me, breathing hard, but his weight felt good. "Oh, Jon," I said running my hands over his back, "that was amazing."

"I didn't hurt you too bad, did I?" Jon asked, concerned, as he moved to lay beside her.

"No. I am OK Jon," I said hugging him. Jon got up and walked to the bathroom. He found a washrag and washed off the evidence of the fact she was a virgin. Rinsing in very warm water he took it to Meg. He gently cleaned her up. With another warm, wet cloth he placed it against her and said, "There, the heat should help a bit." Jon then pulled up the covers, pulled her close so they were spooning and they both fell asleep.

For the next week Meg was happy. They made love, talked, got to know each other even more. During the day Jon would talk with the band members over the phone and sometimes helped her with her work. During the times they went to the meadow, Meg taught Jon how to ride. One morning Meg woke up, sun shining through the windows, birds chirping. She rolled over to say good morning and all she found was a note and a few wildflowers.

The note read...."Meg, I needed to go. I need to resolve things with the band. It is too much a part of me to let it go. I can't do that from here. Please believe me that I love you."

I laid on my back holding the note to my heart, a few tears rolling down into my hair, smelling the flowers. I knew he would have to go sooner or later, but I was hoping for later. I laid there thinking I had the most gorgeous, the most famous rockstar in my bed and in my life. I hope I helped him in some small way on his journey through life. I got up, put the flowers and note in a small box on my dresser.

I looked down at my belly, rubbing my hand over my flat stomach. I didn't know yet if I was pregnant. They hadn't used protection, but that was ok. I would love to have Jon's baby. I had the resources to raise the child on my own, I would never use the baby to trap Jon. If he came back to me then it was meant to be.

For the next six months everything went as normal. Yearling sales. Racing. Breeding. The horses and me. By about late September, early October, I was six months along and doing nicely according to the doctor. I had come in the back door of the main house to see Maggie and to get any mail addressed to me. Maggie was sitting at the table, peeling potatoes. "Meggie, there is a small package for you." There on the table was a small padded manilla envelope. The return address was a record company. I opened it to find a CD and a note.

I smiled at Maggie and said, "I think I will take this to my house. I'll talk to you later Mag."

"OK, Hon."

Inside my cottage, I took out the CD. It said Keep The Faith/ Demo. I popped it into my CD player and listened to the music.

I opened the note and read, "Meg. If you are reading this, I hope you are listening to the CD. The band and I have resolved our issues. Thanks to you and your love, I was able to write some incredible songs. When you hear them, know I was thinking of you, always. I am coming home. I want you in these arms....tonight. Love Jon."

The music on this CD was magnificent. It was about faith, hope, and love. I was putting away the note when this guitar piece came on. It sounded like it was crying. I sat down. I almost started crying. The words were so heart felt, almost like Jon was singing to her. I couldn't move till the song was over. I was spellbound. I had read in the note something about tonight. Hoping that was tonight, I found a portable CD player, as I wanted to keep listening. I went out to the paddocks, let Jonboy out and we walked, as I couldn't ride, down to the meadow.

Jon had rented a car at the airport and drove out to the farm. After giving Maggie a big hug, I walked out to the meadow. I saw Meg, standing in the middle of the field, her back to me. It looked like she was listening to something on a portable CD player, hopefully the CD, I thought, so she didn't hear me walk up. All of a sudden Jonboy blocked my way, whickering, rubbing his head against my chest. I patted the horse, laughing, giving him a carrot, and continued towards Meg. 

I was a bit anxious, not sure if Meg would be happy to see me. I patted my shirt pocket, making sure the ring was there. I came up behind her reaching my arms around her to hug her, and to my surprise I found she was large with child. With my heart bursting with love, I couldn't resist rubbing her belly. Meg reached up and removed the headphones. "Jon," she said softly, "your music is incredible. I love it." She leaned back against me. I took that as a sign she wasn't mad at me, leaving her alone all this time. I nuzzled her neck and said, "God, Baby, I didn't know. Why didn't you tell me?"

Meg turned around and placed a hand on my face and said, "I love you. I didn't want you to think I had trapped you and I didn't want to use the baby against you. Judging by this cd, this is what you were meant to do. Jon you have an amazing gift, and I will not stand in the way of that. Like your song, I had faith and if you came back then it was meant to be. I love you."

Jon looked down into her face and her beautiful smile. "Meg, I don't deserve you," I said, tears welling in my eyes, "I love you." I leaned down and kissed her softly. Keeping eye contact, I reached into my pocket, pulled out the ring, and asked, "Meg, honey, will you marry me?" I watched as tears rolled down her face, her bottom lip trembling as she said yes. I took the ring and slipped it on her finger. We looked at each other briefly, then embraced.

Remember, so long as we have Bon Jovi, we will have faith, hope and love......ALWAYS BELIEVE

1 comment:

  1. Lovely ending to this. I love how she helped him thru his tough times & how he was still thinking about her all the time they were apart & sent her the new album.♡
